Whether you are facing Domestic Abuse charges or have been threatened with accusations, it is important to act quickly and find the best Beverly Hills Domestic Violence Attorney. This is especially true for those who are divorcing or splitting up from their partner as domestic violence allegations can have far reaching consequences in the family court. Domestic violence charges also have the potential to affect employment and housing acceptance in a very negative way, and can seriously damage one’s reputation. Jacob Partiyeli and his team have the experience and knowledge necessary to provide guidance and a strong defense in domestic violence cases in Beverly Hills.
The first step in any situation involving Domestic Abuse is to seek help and contact law enforcement, as soon as possible. This can include a call to 911 or a visit to your local emergency room, depending on the situation and level of danger. During this time it is essential to document any injuries you may have suffered, including the type of abuse and any physical or emotional trauma. It is also vital to locate a safe place to stay, if necessary. This should be somewhere other than the home where you live, as it may put you in greater danger if your partner finds out where you are living.
Once the police have responded to the scene of a Domestic Violence incident, they will arrest anyone that they suspect has committed an offense, regardless of whether there are actual questions of fact. This means that many Domestic Violence incidents resulting from arguments or slight physical contact will result in someone being taken to jail and charged with a criminal offense.
Domestic Abuse charges are viewed very differently by the courts than other types of crimes, as the alleged victim is considered to be a priority in these cases. This is because prosecutors and judges realize that Domestic Abuse can cause serious and lasting injuries, which can impact the lives of everyone involved.
A Beverly Hills Domestic Violence Lawyer will be able to get involved in the case early on, by speaking directly with the detective handling the investigation. This can often lead to the case being lowered from a felony to a misdemeanor or even being dismissed entirely.
In addition to the criminal aspects of these charges, a Domestic Violence Attorney can help protect their client’s rights by assisting in obtaining a restraining order or other form of legal protection. They can also provide advice and insight into how these charges will impact issues such as child custody and support.
It is always best to have a Domestic Violence Lawyer in Beverly Hills involved early on in these cases, to ensure that the facts of the case are being presented in a clear and concise manner. They can also work to prevent the alleged victim from swaying the case by offering up testimony or other evidence that is not valid. They can also be helpful in negotiating a plea deal or a reduction of the charges.
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